AoT DM League sign ups


編集済み22 June 2012 - 9:01 pm by [PureDM]IamRich
(Taken from [You must login to view link]&st=0)

Ok, the reasoning behind this is due to dwindling activity and the vast skill gaps between players in DM.

In SC2 there are divisions to help separate players and provide better competition for each individual based on their actual skill level. I've also seen this done on the DoW forum ([You must login to view link]) and thought it is time to set up something similar.

The idea is to collect a group of 8-12 equally skilled players and to form a division, each player must play others in his or her division in a bo3 (best of 3 matches) with 2 points going to the winner. At the end of the season the player with the most points is crowned the champion and the person in last position is in danger of relegation to the division below. There will be 2 fixtures put out every Sunday for each player to play, please do not play anyone else in the league in a league match unless they are your current fixture. This will make it easier to keep the league running and instill structure, fall more than 2 weeks behind and you will be in danger of being replaced.

Right now I think we should try for 2 divisions and maybe even expand it to three if there is some success. The league system makes it far easier to arrange a time and date when to play an opponent (so you wont have to wait endless hours) and may also be deemed as more rewarding than the current Voobly ladder. If a player is inactive they will quickly be removed and replaced, the replacement however will have to carry the record of the person they replaced until the season is over.

So here goes.. taking sign ups for Division 1 (must be 2000~) and for Division 2 (1700+). If there is enough interest we can run a Division 3 for the remainder of players.

Sign ups will last around a week, please if you want to apply for Division 1 (2000~) for season 1 then prove your worth this coming fortnight.

So here goes...

Division 1 signed up: (5/8) Rich_, Nakamura, GanG, Gol3m, King
Division 1 special invites: GanG, Fox, Magic, Caleb,Shocks, Nakamura, SunShine,Gol3m, Doap, Max, Antioch

Division 2 signed up: (3/8) Br3akD4nc3r, FireFox, Falling
Division 2 waiting list:

Division 3 signed up: (3/6) Skywalker, Mun, ImLegend
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Posted25 June 2012 - 6:52 am
can i sign up?
my voobly name is illyas and i can be in division 2 or 3 if you want
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Posted25 June 2012 - 6:53 am
I will shoutcast if you want me to :)

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