Switch team founder


Posted26 May 2013 - 9:41 pm

Our team founder has been banned and we need to switch his position to me or any other captain of my team because have a banned member is not acceptable and that damage our reputation of fair play clan. He was not the real team founder, the real team founder was [vK]Zedd_ but he is not longer captain for his own decision. I was the second member to join the team and I think that because JuaNubee is banned we should transfer his rank to Zedd_, to me or to [vK]Dr4k0. Does not matter which one you choice but do it. Please let us know ASAP for your decision.
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編集済み27 May 2013 - 3:59 am by LNC_GoldenAxe
Was he unbanned?

We are a very small community and he was a very active player, at this point there should be some kind of "3 strike & your out" system in place, at least for the AOT community because every player matters. =)
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Posted27 May 2013 - 3:57 am
Was he unbanned?

We are a very small community and he was a very active player, at this point there should be some kind of "3 strike & your out" system in place, at least for the AOT community because every player matters. =)

No mate he still banned

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