Hotkeys for technologies? Why not!

Poll: What do you think about a mod to make hotkeys for technologies?
I like the idea and will use it
I like the idea, but won't use it
I'm neutral, don't care about it
This is a bad idea, don't make it

加入日時 13 October 2012
編集済み30 July 2015 - 9:12 pm by [_FF_]CopperLeGre
Sounds nice but I already use nearly every button of my keyboard so I think it would be hard for me to use :P. But yeah why not. Some people have mouses with a lot of buttons so could be handy for them. Maybe just give the players who want extra hotkeys an option for extra hotkeys. Those who don't want extra hotkeys could always keep the standard hotkeys for the houses etc.

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加入日時 13 June 2015
Posted31 July 2015 - 6:25 am
It will just give edge to advanced users where as new bees and intermidiates gonna suffer.
リンク | 受信箱 | Quote

加入日時 29 July 2013
Posted31 July 2015 - 2:23 pm
I think it would be a great inclusion in TTm maps espacially. Anything that will cut down on all that;threaten clicking,
you will be able to actually talk in a game again (when i mean talk i meant talk trash);inlove
リンク | 受信箱 | Quote

加入日時 29 December 2014
Posted2 August 2015 - 11:52 am
Just put on the blacksmtih
q w e
a s

and will be perfect
リンク | 受信箱 | Quote

加入日時 25 May 2011
編集済み4 August 2015 - 10:00 am by [MM]Gallas
Poll closed, finished the mod.

You can download and test it from this link:


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