CBA Extended Units


Posted27 May 2017 - 4:56 am
Hi all,

I've developed a new CBA where you keep spawning unique units at a lower secondary pop and lower secondary spawn timer, different for each civ. I've done tests and the triggers seem to work fine.

Now I need to get the right numbers for the SECONDARY POP and SECONDARY SPAWN TIMER. The good news is the autohotkey bot I made will enter the values as needed, meaning frequent updates are easy.

So guys, this is where I need your help: What are the right numbers, here's a list to help:

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The secondary values I just came up with quickly for testing purposes, they undoubtedly need changing. I'm a little concerned this is giving razers more advantage, so keep this in mind, and see what you guys think.. Malte, Obi and others get in here and give your thoughts please

And here's the map if anyone wants to test:
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編集済み27 May 2017 - 4:15 pm by calexus5678
I'm also interested in peoples' thought on the concept, so please chime in.. do you think it will work? I'm considering redoing the triggers to add another extra spawn, so one for castle age and one for imperial age, which should make balancing it easier.. e.g. if Japanese is getting 40 samurai with castle age units that may be OP, yet their imperial is quite weak and 40 samurai seems fine

Just to be clear guys, zero changes have been made to original CBAv20 values, I'm not changing though as I do not believe it is in my remit to do so, nor do I have a mandate. Having said that, it seems such changes could be a logical direction to go to help readjust for the new gameplay, right now its better to just mess with the new values.

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