I am FP

 [ A ]lVl0NsT3lZ

編集済み8 September 2017 - 4:40 pm by [ A ]lVl0NsT3lZ
hi kitt,
Me and my brother play AOC but I am mostly FP. Whereas my bro seems to play fine and I am even FP for him despite of being on same network. He is old machine with Windows XP while I play on Windows 10 machine.
Edit: Sometimes I am FP and sometimes not.

Debug log:
Log of UnNaMeD__'s connection to neilldn74

| | direct | user proxy | fast proxy | slow proxy |
| Default Gateway | Yes | No | No | No |
| State | Healthy | Dead | Healthy | Healthy |
| Data Sent | 1 KiB | 0 B | 64 B | 1 KiB |
| Data Recv | 2 KiB | 0 B | 64 B | 464 B |
| Packet Loss | 60% | n/a | n/a | n/a |
| % TCP | 6% | n/a | n/a | n/a |
| Retries | 6 | n/a | n/a | n/a |
| Redundant | 5 | n/a | n/a | n/a |
| Seq In | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 |
| Seq Out | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 |
| Pending Packets | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
| Reorder Buffer | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
| # Reconnects | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
| RTT (Last) | 313ms | n/a | n/a | n/a |
| RTT (Avg) | 246ms | n/a | n/a | n/a |
| Max Retry | 344ms | n/a | n/a | n/a |
| Last Peer Check (Sent) | 11 | 11 | 11 | 11 |
| Last Peer Check (Recv) | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 |
| Max Retry | 344ms | n/a | n/a | n/a |
| Packets TX/sec (Last) | 2 | n/a | n/a | n/a |
| Packets TX/sec (Avg) | 21 | n/a | n/a | n/a |
| Packets TX/sec (Bytes) | 64 B/sec | n/a | n/a | n/a |
| Port (Remote: Used) | 16000 | n/a | n/a | n/a |
| Port (Remote: LAN) | 16000 | n/a | n/a | n/a |
| Port (Remote: WAN) | 16000 | n/a | n/a | n/a |
| Port (Local: Used) | 16000 | n/a | n/a | n/a |
| Port (Local: LAN) | 16000 | n/a | n/a | n/a |
| Port (Local: WAN) | 16000 | n/a | n/a | n/a |

[06:55:32] [User: neilldn74] Local User: UnNaMeD__, Remote User: neilldn74
[06:55:32] [User: neilldn74] [Tunnel: direct] State changed to DCC_INIT
[06:55:32] [User: neilldn74] Received remote candidate port list, LAN Port = 16000, WAN Port = 16000, User Proxy = :0
[06:55:32] [User: neilldn74] [Tunnel: user proxy] No user proxy specified
[06:55:33] [User: neilldn74] Sending local candidate port list, LAN Port = 16000, WAN Port = 16000, User Proxy = :0
[06:55:34] [User: neilldn74] [Tunnel: fast proxy] Received PH_TYPE_TUNNEL_TEST
[06:55:34] [User: neilldn74] Peer ack'ed local candidate port list
[06:55:34] [User: neilldn74] [Tunnel: direct] State changed to DCC_TUNNEL_TEST
[06:55:34] [User: neilldn74] [Tunnel: direct] in port change from 0 to 16000
[06:55:34] [User: neilldn74] [Tunnel: direct] Received PH_TYPE_DIRECT_TEST - port = 16000
[06:55:34] [User: neilldn74] [Tunnel: fast proxy] Received PH_TYPE_TUNNEL_TEST_ACK
[06:55:34] [User: neilldn74] [Tunnel: fast proxy] Proxy -> FPS_ALIVE
[06:55:35] [User: neilldn74] Peer's in port changed to 16000
[06:55:35] [User: neilldn74] [Tunnel: direct] Received PH_TYPE_DIRECT_TEST_ACK, port = 16000
[06:55:36] [User: neilldn74] [Tunnel: direct] Received PH_TYPE_TUNNEL_TEST
[06:55:36] [User: neilldn74] [Tunnel: direct] Received PH_TYPE_DIRECT_TEST_ACK_ACK
[06:55:36] [User: neilldn74] [Tunnel: direct] Both sides report direct test pass. Using port = 16000
[06:55:36] [User: neilldn74] [Tunnel: direct] Starting PH_TYPE_TUNNEL_TEST to verify
[06:55:36] [User: neilldn74] [Tunnel: direct] State changed to DCC_TUNNEL_TEST2
[06:55:36] [User: neilldn74] [Tunnel: direct] Received PH_TYPE_TUNNEL_TEST_ACK
[06:55:36] [User: neilldn74] [Tunnel: direct] State changed to DCC_DONE

Network diagnostics:

Starting networking diagnostics...

Your local network port (UDP) is 16000. All game traffic is routed through this port. This can be changed in "Settings" -> "NAT Traversal".

Attempting to connect to 3 test servers. This will take around a minute to complete...

Received data from 'server 1' through port 16000 (this is your WAN or router port)
Received data from 'server 2' through port 16000 (this is your WAN or router port)
Received data from 'server 3' through port 16000 (this is your WAN or router port)
14 seconds left.
9 seconds left.
4 seconds left.

Test Result: All Pass
Network Health: All tests passed
Recommended Action: None
Details: All tests passed.

リンク | 受信箱 | Quote

Posted8 September 2017 - 5:07 pm
if your on the same router, at the same time, then only one pc can use port 16000udp. the other pc would need a different ip. like 5000 or maybe 16001.
how are set up atmm?
リンク | 受信箱 | Quote
 [ A ]lVl0NsT3lZ

編集済み8 September 2017 - 7:04 pm by [ A ]lVl0NsT3lZ
yes yes we are on same router at the same time via wifi connection. how can I fix it?
リンク | 受信箱 | Quote

Voobly Team

編集済み8 September 2017 - 11:32 pm by kitt
You are fp because you and your brother are using the same NAT port which is 16000 by default for Voobly. You need to tell your router and Voobly to communicate with your computer on a different NAT port (say 16001). You can do this by changing your NAT port in your Voobly settings to 16001.

Each PC on your network will get a private IP starting with 192.168.xxx.xxx. You need to login to your router and make sure you have 2 port forwarding rules (one for each PC). Furthermore, since one port can only be forwarded to one IP, you will need to make sure that one of you is not using the default NAT port set by Voobly (which is 16000).
port 27000 for one pc ip. the other could have 16000udp.

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