CBA HERO FFA instead of Team


編集済み27 December 2017 - 5:34 am by M3T1CULOUS
Started a 4v4 CBA Hero lobby. Loaded up v13. Everyone picks random (?) team. Twice it was FFA instead of team. Anyone know why it is defaulting to FFA?
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Posted27 December 2017 - 10:37 pm
Sometimes the team box reverts back to -
Usually happens if there is a long delay between first selecting your team and the game itself is launched. Those who select a team as soon as they load into the lobby often have to retreat again before the host launches the game.
Usually happens if the host clicks in ready before all players have loaded into the lobby I think.
Another player can change your team by selecting your colour and changing it - in patch 1.5 you are notified of this when it happens.
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Posted29 December 2017 - 5:46 pm
ok thanks so just have to make sure the team box is '?' and not '-'

i didnt notice that it was but ill check and see if that was the issue. thanks again
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Posted2 January 2018 - 1:36 am
Sometimes it will do it even when ? is selected as the team very rare though. Even more rare to happen twice.

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